“Working with passion”

Since October, Manuela Bernasconi has been the Man­aging Director of Pilz Switzer­land. In her state­ment she spoke about what makes Pilz Switzer­land spe­cial and what is on the mind of her cus­tomers.

“We Swiss are deter­mined and want to orient our­selves on the bench­mark or, even better, want to set it our­selves. The main focus in our market is tool con­struc­tion and spe­cial machine con­struc­tion, as well as pack­aging and rail tech­nology. Research is also a key area: we are active in the Paul Scherrer Insti­tute, for example, a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary research insti­tute for nat­ural and engi­neering sci­ences in Switzer­land. There we work closely on safely designing the research and devel­op­ment of new lasers for med­ical tech­nology with the use of our product solu­tions, all the way to CE marking. Our exper­tise is sought after. This becomes notice­able due to the increased interest in our ser­vices, which also includes our own training division’s port­folio. Last year we suc­cess­fully built up our Engi­neering depart­ment.

What con­tinues to con­cern us most on the market is the supply sit­u­a­tion. Cus­tomer con­tact is vital – from our admin­is­tra­tion all the way to me as Man­aging Director. For our long-term cus­tomers, we have come up with an emer­gency sce­nario in order to best pro­vide for them. We also want to offer our smaller cus­tomers the best ser­vice, how­ever. We are always open, honest and trans­parent. And the solid cus­tomer rela­tion­ship that we have estab­lished is cru­cial. We are not a sup­plier, we are our cus­tomers’ partner.

At the moment they are coming to us with a good number of ques­tions about the upcoming Machinery Reg­u­la­tion: How is Secu­rity described in this? What require­ments can the industry antic­i­pate? What are the impli­ca­tions for people? And some­thing else that will always con­cern the Swiss is the reli­a­bility of automa­tion. Resources are more expen­sive in Switzer­land, which means that pro­duc­tivity is even more impor­tant.

Our goal is to step up our sup­port of our cus­tomers in the area of Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and Access Man­age­ment, which clearly reg­u­lates access and entry per­mis­sions on plant and machinery. In the area of Indus­trial Secu­rity, we also want to help our cus­tomers pro­tect their plant and machinery from external attacks using our indus­trial fire­wall Secu­ri­ty­Bridge, our ser­vices and our cer­ti­fied training courses.

Pilz Switzer­land is suc­cessful because we are such an amaz­ingly good team. We are the embod­i­ment of Pilz’s idea of family. That’s what makes Pilz so spe­cial for me, this pas­sion with which we work. That is why I have been at Pilz for over 15 years.”

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