Added value through automation

Designing entire pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ments to be safe for people, machines and the envi­ron­ment: Pilz Czech Republic and Pilz Slo­vakia are experts at this. With their exper­tise on holistic safety con­cepts, they sup­port their cus­tomers in over­coming the chal­lenges resulting from increasing automa­tion.

The auto­mo­tive industry is pri­marily active on the Czech and Slo­va­kian automa­tion market. Both auto­mo­tive sup­pliers and man­u­fac­turers are among the most impor­tant cus­tomers for safe automa­tion. The wood­working and food indus­tries also depend on system solu­tions from Pilz, how­ever. What is this market focused on? The most impor­tant factor to ensure long-term ­sur­vival as a com­pany is a high degree of automa­tion in pro­duc­tion – which is a chal­lenge for man­u­fac­turers in Eastern Europe. The higher the degree of automa­tion, the more sig­nif­i­cant the pro­tec­tion of humans and machinery becomes.

Integrated thinking

With expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge from robotics – the main focus of the market – as well as machine mon­i­toring and con­struc­tion, the experts from Pilz offer holistic safety con­cepts that help their cus­tomers to meet these chal­lenges. What’s spe­cial: the con­cepts are cre­ated for entire pro­duc­tion plants – from engi­neering to system inte­gra­tion, including the check of all machinery and the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of robot cells. The Czech and Slo­va­kian workers have also ­recog­nised the impor­tance of a safe work­place: safety and ergonomics are becoming an increas­ingly impor­tant deci­sion-making basis for them.

Machinery safety in “team play”

Since Pilz Czech Republic was founded almost ten years ago, Pilz’s cus­tomers have become increas­ingly aware of the topic of safety. The sub­sidiary con­siders the fur­ther sup­port of these cus­tomers in this to be their main task. For this reason, Pilz is active in the Czech Insti­tute of Infor­matics, Robotics and Cyber­netics (CIIRC) in order to be able to inform pri­marily medium-sized enter­prises about machinery safety and how to manage it.

The employees of Pilz Czech Republic and Pilz Slo­vakia are proud to be respected part­ners for safety and secu­rity, which is also their main moti­va­tion for future col­lab­o­ra­tion with their ­cus­tomers. The young, close-knit team, which com­bines the strengths of a number of dif­ferent char­ac­ters with dif­ferent inter­ests, will also work together for machinery safety in the future – machinery safety in “team play”.

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