3 minutes with …
… Rami Aro

Rami Aro is Vice Pres­i­dent Region Europe Central/East and there­fore respon­sible for the activ­i­ties of the Pilz sub­sidiaries in this region. In our “3 min­utes with …” column, the Swiss gives an insight into his work and how he sees the automa­tion market in Europe.

Mr Aro, what are your duties as Regional Vice President at Pilz?

In my role I form the link between head office and the sub­sidiaries. On the one hand, it’s a case of imple­menting the cor­po­rate strategy in the indi­vidual mar­kets. On the other, it’s just as impor­tant to me to hear the cus­tomers’ voices and feed back to the com­pany. We need the cus­tomer as a spar­ring partner, to fur­ther strengthen our capacity for inno­va­tion.

What do you feel is particularly important?

I want to bring people with me – strate­gi­cally and tech­no­log­i­cally. And I am com­mitted to the joint devel­op­ment of appro­priate frame­work con­di­tions, so that we can work closely and well with cus­tomers, and con­tinue to grow sus­tain­ably and prof­itably as a com­pany.

You haven’t been at Pilz very long. How do you perceive the company?

I admire the crystal-clear posi­tioning, as well as the strong guiding prin­ciple “The Spirit of Safety”, which drives the com­pany. Not many com­pa­nies have that.

What is occupying the automation and engineering market in Europe?

The last few years I have been working in elec­tronics man­u­fac­turing. After the pan­demic, delivery bot­tle­necks, and most recently also the Ukraine war, there is an increasing ten­dency to move pro­duc­tion to Europe, or nearer to the end cus­tomer. This is rein­forced by the desire for greater resilience and sus­tain­ability. I expect devel­op­ments like this in other sec­tors too.

And then of course there’s digi­ti­sa­tion and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence: How can I use tech­nolo­gies such as machine learning, for example, to opti­mise machine processes, or build them com­pletely into data-driven ser­vice models? I antic­i­pate some exciting devel­op­ments in this area.

How­ever, more digi­ti­sa­tion also makes it vul­ner­able. The key­word is Indus­trial Secu­rity. There is a huge need for training and con­sul­ta­tion. Pilz can play an impor­tant role in bridging this gap.

Change at Elesta

Harald Förster (left) hands over the man­age­ment of Elesta GmbH to Marcel Met­tler.  
© Elesta GmbH

Marcel Met­tler took over as the new Gen­eral Man­ager of the Pilz sub­sidiary Elesta GmbH in Bad Ragaz (Switzer­land) in May 2023. Elesta is a leading man­u­fac­turer of relays with pos­i­tive-guided con­tacts, as well as sen­sors mar­keted by Pilz. Marcel Met­tler, who was pre­vi­ously Gen­eral Man­ager of the Swiss Ser­vice and Sales Sub­sidiary as well as Vice Pres­i­dent Europe Region Central/East for Pilz, suc­ceeds Harald Förster, who is retiring.

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