Sezgin Yumuk and Steffen Heber both started their professional lives as mechatronics engineers at Pilz. Today they are managers in Product Management and Sales. In an interview, they discuss their individual career paths and what advice they have for young professionals today.
What are you working on right now? What is your current job?
Sezgin Yumuk: I am the Head of the Controllers and Relay division in Product Management. My team and I are responsible for market launches of new products and technologies such as IO-Link Safety, for example. But I also work with new business models, discuss new ideas and suggestions from customers, assess them and incorporate them into the roadmap with my team. There’s a lot to do!
“In all the projects I have been able to accompany at Pilz, I have encountered role models. They inspired me professionally. That’s one of the reasons I’m where I am today.”
Sezgin Yumuk, Head of Product Management
Steffen Heber: I work in International Sales, where I am the Group Manager responsible for strategic sales products. My team is made up of twelve people. We are the contact point for the subsidiaries and prepare market launches, for example. In market development teams, we work closely with Marketing and Customer Support, but in particular with Product Management, for instance for pricing. One important topic is digitisation in Sales. Here we are working on new software solutions that support our sales team around the world, as well as on a business intelligence strategy.
So even though you work together closely, you have different tasks. But you chose the same career start, namely an apprenticeship as a mechatronics engineer …
Sezgin Yumuk: Correct, at the beginning we both had to spend weeks filing channel steel and working on the milling machine …
Steffen Heber: But that was good! You learn perseverance and get to know the company, with its various departments, as well as the products from a new perspective!
Sezgin Yumuk: That’s for sure. I found the apprenticeship to become a mechatronics engineer very interesting because it is so wide-ranging. You learn some of everything. After that I was extremely interested in the applications: What do our products do? Where are they used? What do our customers do? So I moved to Customer Support, where I provided technical support to our customers all around the world, which also included commissionings or training. Parallel to working, I also completed my training as an engineer. Because I was highly familiar with the products, the move to Product Management was an easy one. I also work with customers there, but on a strategic level.
But planning such career paths is only possible up to a point. What were your key moments, Steffen?
Steffen Heber: I joined Pilz by way of a work experience placement and a holiday job. My first key moment was right at the beginning, when I was helping in Production. Friday afternoons the former owner and Managing Director Renate Pilz, who has since retired, would regularly come to Production and take the time to talk to the people – even with me in my holiday job. That really impressed me and persuaded me to complete my apprenticeship as a mechatronics engineer here. A second, more important incentive was the encouragement by a department head to keep going after completing my apprenticeship. It was only then that I went back to get my secondary-school leaving qualification, the Abitur, completed a dual study programme as an industrial engineer and then finally received my master’s degree.
My semester abroad in China while studying was also an especially crucial key moment. Getting to know this other culture made a very big impression on me.
And now you’re managers yourselves. Your tip for young professionals?
Sezgin Yumuk: In a nutshell: Ideas are nothing without action. That was also Renate Pilz’s motto. But it’s true! It is important to try things. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You have to recognise them and continue to work on yourself. My tip: take off your blinders and observe what is happening around you. And finally, I wish to remind everyone to have the courage to change.
“I feel comfortable at Pilz because there is a certain understanding of values from the management to my colleagues. I work for the right people and for the right mission.”
Steffen Heber, Group Manager International Sales
Steffen Heber: That’s absolutely right. I like when applicants are sharp and travel through the world with their eyes wide open. For young professionals, I recommend starting with small projects. You can’t have expectations that are too high, but should prove yourself bit by bit and slowly continue to develop. Do your tasks well! If you are successful at that, then you will keep being assigned greater responsibility.
And what in particular do you set store by in your daily work?
Sezgin Yumuk: Values play a significant role for me. Having them and also truly implementing them. I find integrity, honesty and fairness important. For me this also includes an open feedback culture, in every direction. From management to the employees but also the other way around, or from colleague to colleague – in projects, for example. Because you have to talk about it if something went badly.
Steffen Heber: It is important for me to know who I am working with. How do you communicate? Do we have the same understanding of values? Maybe that is why I am so happy at Pilz. You have the feeling that you are working with the right peopIe on the right mission: Safety.
Sezgin Yumuk: We also experience this trust and this type of communication with our customers. They trust us and use our products for critical applications where people’s lives also have to be protected. That is truly extraordinary!