Fast, faster, Safety Check!

A simple and quick overview of the safety and con­for­mity status of your own machines is often worth its weight in gold. Do I still have full lia­bility pro­tec­tion? Are upgrades nec­es­sary? This is pre­cisely where the new ser­vice Machinery Safety Eval­u­a­tion – or MSE for short – from Pilz comes in.

The machinery has been in use for a while and its safety and con­for­mity hasn’t been checked for some time? The machinery has recently been sup­ple­mented to include pur­chased plant and machines that were already in use, but the state of their safety is still unclear? Or it is not clear yet which machines are poten­tially suit­able for a retrofit? To quickly answer these or any sim­ilar ques­tions, Pilz offers the new ser­vice “Machinery Safety Eval­u­a­tion” (MSE), which can be adapted to the indi­vidual require­ments of cus­tomers with regard to its level of detail.

Machinery safety via dashboard

Experts from Pilz assess the machines of a pro­duc­tion plant on site at the customer’s premises with regard to the applic­able safety and con­for­mity require­ments. They take into account here not only the valid stan­dards and direc­tives at the point of use or des­ti­na­tion of the machinery, but also, if requested, the customer’s indi­vidual, internal spec­i­fi­ca­tions.

The result: a clear and com­pre­hen­sive soft­ware-sup­ported dash­board with all eval­u­a­tions at a glance. A list of mea­sures with the cor­re­sponding rec­om­mended actions – sorted according to pri­ority – high­lights the fur­ther path to safe machinery. Upon request, Pilz sup­ports the imple­men­ta­tion of these mea­sures. The result dash­board is also avail­able ‘to go’. The same method­ology can thus also easily be applied to sim­ilar machines at other loca­tions.

On two levels

Depending on the require­ment, the scope of the ser­vice is divided into two levels of varying breadth which are agreed with the cus­tomer in advance:

Level 1
  • Com­pli­ance with safety status
  • List of the rec­om­mended actions for risk reduc­tion by pri­ority
Level 2

Ser­vices from level 1 +

  • Eval­u­a­tion of the main risks
  • Check of the doc­u­men­ta­tion­tion
  • Com­pli­ance according to spe­cific com­pany guide­lines
  • Eval­u­a­tion of the max­imum achiev­able PLr for every checked sub­func­tion
  • Cost esti­mate for the upgrade (optional).

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