Trendsetter for Safety und Security – 25 years an ambassador for safety

The oil, auto­mo­tive and mechan­ical engi­neering indus­tries play a key role in Mex­i­co’s economy. Around a third of the coun­try’s total work­force is employed in the indus­trial sector. That makes Mexico the second largest economy in Latin America, directly behind Brazil.

In order to com­pete with other emerging mar­kets, such as Asia, where pro­duc­tion costs are often lower, industry in Mexico focuses on agility and effi­ciency. At the same time, the mechan­ical engi­neering industry is under huge cost pres­sure. Pilz has enjoyed suc­cess in this chal­lenging market for 25 years, with its own sales and ser­vice com­pany. Founded in 1999, today Pilz Mexico is rep­re­sented in a total of eight loca­tions. The main office is located in Mexico City.

“There may only be a few mechan­ical engi­neering com­pa­nies in Mexico, but there are many man­u­fac­turing com­pa­nies. The mechan­ical engi­neering industry in this country places par­tic­ular emphasis on offering effi­cient solu­tions. New tech­nolo­gies should help to increase com­pet­i­tive­ness”, Samuel Cruz, Man­aging Director of Pilz México, explains. How­ever, the strong focus on costs does not always make it easy to intro­duce new tech­nolo­gies. Nonethe­less, as ambas­sador for safety, Pilz has suc­ceeded in estab­lishing the sub­ject of machinery safety and, increas­ingly, Indus­trial Secu­rity on the Mex­ican market.

“We are a great family, our strengths are: coop­er­a­tion, expe­ri­ence and team­work.”

Samuel Cruz, Man­aging Director of Pilz México

One suc­cessful example is an automa­tion project that inte­grated Safety and Secu­rity into a trav­el­ling crane system: The task was to safely operate three mobile cranes over an area of​ 2,000 square metres. The system was con­structed as fol­lows: The small con­troller PNOZ­multi 2 is respon­sible for safe mon­i­toring of the brakes, as well as eval­u­a­tion of the crane system. Wifi is used to transfer data to an indus­trial PC, and then to a web server. This allows oper­a­tors and tech­ni­cians to access the status of each crane and receive alerts via email. All web con­nec­tions are pro­tected by the Secu­ri­ty­Bridge indus­trial fire­wall, which blocks cyber attacks and mon­i­tors the input and output ports.

Abi­gail Ramirez, Appli­ca­tion Engi­neer at Pilz, is pro­gram­ming the safety system of the travel crane around 15 meters above the floor. © Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Mexico

New awareness of Safety and Security

One key to suc­cess lies in direct cus­tomer ser­vice – ser­vices and product solu­tions from Pilz Mexico are always accom­pa­nied by training and guid­ance for the respec­tive cus­tomers. In this way, the team brings the sub­ject of machinery safety closer to cus­tomers in a trans­parent manner and increas­ingly cre­ates aware­ness of the value of safety.

“We want to con­tinue to con­tribute towards making Mexico safer. Our aim is to con­tinue to bring smiles to the fam­i­lies of all the coun­try’s machine oper­a­tors.”

Samuel Cruz, Man­aging Director of Pilz México

Offering solu­tions instead of com­po­nents and sharing knowl­edge: this is how Pilz stands out on the market. “We are ambas­sadors for safety, we set the trends on the Mex­ican market. To achieve this it is nec­es­sary to be inno­v­a­tive, to expand our knowl­edge and thus our range of solu­tions,” adds Samuel Cruz. As a result, he and his team can con­tin­u­ally imple­ment new, exciting projects. The auto­mo­tive industry, food and bev­erage industry, and semi­con­ductor industry are par­tic­u­larly rel­e­vant sec­tors.

The com­pany has grown con­tin­u­ously over the last few years. “But it’s not only our sales. The knowl­edge of our team is also con­stantly increasing,” says Samuel Cruz. By working on var­ious projects, Pilz Mexico has built up a broad exper­tise – and is one of the most expe­ri­enced sub­sidiaries in the field of engi­neering solu­tions.

Test your knowledge of Mexico!

How many reptile species live in Mexico?

  • 800 — 900
  • 200 — 300
  • 400 ‑500

The resolution:

Located between North and Cen­tral America, the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, Mexico has enor­mous bio­di­ver­sity. With around twelve per cent of all known mammal and bird species and almost ten per cent of all rep­tile species, the country belongs to the group of megadi­verse coun­tries. Mexico ranks second in the world for rep­tiles, third for mam­mals and fifth for plants. In total, Mexico is home to more than 72,000 recog­nised animal species.

The thickest tree in the world is in Mexico. What is the diameter of its trunk?

  • 12,8 metres
  • 5,3 metres
  • 14 metres

The resolution:

The tree with the widest trunk in the world is the bald cypress ‘Árbol del Tule’ in Santa María del Tule, Mexico. It is not for nothing that the tree is also called ‘El Gigante’ (Spanish for ‘the giant’). This is because it has a trunk diam­eter of around 14 metres and a cir­cum­fer­ence of over 46 metres.

What health-promoting measures has Mexico taken?

  • Penalty tax on sweets and fatty foods
  • Free sports courses for all
  • Ban on the sale of exces­sively sugary and fatty foods

The resolution:

In 2013, Mexico intro­duced a puni­tive tax on high-fat and high-sugar foods to tackle wide­spread obe­sity in the country. This tax affected foods with more than 275 calo­ries per 100 grams and amounted to 8 per cent. The addi­tional rev­enue was to be used for health pro­grammes.

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