Automation for a “green” Norway

In Norway, this year’s partner country of Han­nover Messe, the energy sector has tra­di­tion­ally played an impor­tant role. In the last years, topics such as renew­able ener­gies and robotics have def­i­nitely come to the fore. Since as far back as the 90s, Pilz prod­ucts and solu­tions have been used in the oil and gas industry – including in Scan­di­navia.

Pilz Scan­di­navia was founded in 1996 in Son­der­borg, Den­mark, and devel­oped into the first address for safe automa­tion in all of Scan­di­navia and the Balkans in just a few years. There are tech­nical offices in Helsinki, Fin­land and Kungs­backa, Sweden. Pilz has been working closely with its sales and ser­vice partner Treotham in Norway since the 90s: “Together with Treotham, we are able to offer cus­tomer-ori­ented automa­tion solu­tions for a number of indus­tries, including oil and gas, food and bev­erage, alu­minium and engi­neering,” reports Allan Paulsen, Man­aging Director of Pilz Scan­di­navia.

Sales Engi­neer Lasse Eriksen and Wenche Nysæter (Internal Sales) sup­port cus­tomers in Norway with Pilz solu­tions. © Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Ost­fildern

Heavyweight for oil and gas

Norway has large oil and gas reserves, is the world’s third-largest exporter of nat­ural gas and tenth-largest exporter of crude oil. The energy sector plays a key role in the Nor­we­gian robot and automa­tion industry.

Pilz has a fan­tastic rep­u­ta­tion in Norway as an automa­tion com­pany, espe­cially when the focus is on the safety of human, machine and the envi­ron­ment. “Our unique selling propo­si­tions are, on the one hand, our exten­sive knowl­edge in the field of Safety and Secu­rity and, on the other, our close part­ner­ship rela­tions with our cus­tomers,” explains Paulsen.

Safety and Security are in high demand

This knowl­edge is in high demand among Nor­we­gian com­pa­nies: The strategy there is to reverse the trend toward out­sourcing pro­duc­tion to low-wage coun­tries. Instead, many com­pa­nies want to achieve prof­itable pro­duc­tion in Norway through the use of robotics and digi­ti­sa­tion. Safety and Secu­rity are impor­tant suc­cess fac­tors in this regard.

Test your knowledge of Norway!

Norway is one of the most sustainable countries in the world. What percentage of its electricity is generated using hydropower?

  • 89 per­cent
  • 50 per­cent
  • 73 per­cent


88 to 89 per­cent of Norway’s power is hydro­elec­tric – more than in any other country in the world. In 2023, 82 per­cent of all new cars sold in Norway were elec­tric.

How long is Norway’s longest road tunnel?

  • 35 kilo­me­tres
  • 16,8 kilo­me­tres
  • 24,5 kilo­me­tres


At 24.5 kilo­me­tres, the Lærdal Tunnel is actu­ally the longest road tunnel in the world.

What are Norwegian cows entitled to by law?

  • Lul­laby
  • Night light
  • Mat­tress


Norway was the first country to man­date by law that all cows have access to a mat­tress at night. Since then, the ani­mals are said to pro­vide 10 per­cent more milk.

Fur­ther­more, the country is also set­ting its sights firmly on the topic of renew­able energy: The growing demand for automa­tion in power plants and wind farms as well as with hydro­elec­tric power marks the shift from oil and gas as fuel to green ener­gies.

Pilz is helping to shape the shift to “green”

Almost half of the entire final energy con­sump­tion in Norway is cov­ered by elec­tricity. Hydro­elec­tric power is pri­marily used; it pro­vides the major share of power gen­er­a­tion. The Nor­we­gian elec­tricity sector is pri­marily based on this: In 2022 the share of hydro­elec­tric power was 88.2 per­cent. Norway wishes to con­tinue expanding its clean power system in order to decar­bonise addi­tional eco­nomic sec­tors by expanding elec­tri­fi­ca­tion.

“Pilz wants to sup­port and help shape this trans­for­ma­tion!” empha­sises Paulsen. “We will con­tinue to con­cen­trate on automa­tion and safety in the areas of sus­tain­able power gen­er­a­tion and thereby sup­port the trans­for­ma­tion to a ‘green’ mar­itime and off­shore industry.”

Fascinating Norway

Norway is famous for its breath­taking fjords, moun­tains and northern lights. But the Euro­pean country has so much more to offer. Did you know, for example, that Nor­we­gians are some of the hap­piest people in the world? The Scan­di­na­vian country took second place among 156 coun­tries in a survey by the UN. Life expectancy, the social fabric and freedom were among the char­ac­ter­is­tics included in the assess­ment.

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