3 minutes with …
… Albert Cot

Albert Cot, Market Devel­op­ment Engi­neer at Pilz, is cur­rently working on the topics of com­bus­tion tech­nology and hydrogen. Pilz can sup­port the hydrogen industry with safety know-how and thus help shape the path towards a more sus­tain­able future.

What topics are you working on right now?

In the Market Devel­op­ment team, we work on both product and tech­nology topics as well as the sup­port of indus­tries. I per­son­ally am working on the topics of com­bus­tion tech­nology and hydrogen. We have prod­ucts on hand that fully meet the tech­nical require­ments in this area. Our goal is a better under­standing of how our prod­ucts can best be inte­grated in the spe­cific appli­ca­tions. In this way, we want to tailor our port­folio to the var­ious and spe­cialist appli­ca­tions in this area. Cus­tomers can then easily inte­grate these solu­tions and gain the best pos­sible ben­e­fits from them.

“We see a great oppor­tu­nity to leave a better world for future gen­er­a­tions.”

Albert Cot, Market Devel­op­ment Engi­neer at Pilz
What is special about developing new industries?

At Pilz we have a net­work of local industry experts in var­ious coun­tries. We share our ideas and infor­ma­tion within this net­work. This exchange is unbe­liev­ably valu­able!

It is impor­tant to be on-site to dis­cuss with cus­tomers, either there or at exhi­bi­tions, and to learn. What is spe­cial is the moment when our activ­i­ties then gain momentum and our entire sales organ­i­sa­tion just can’t wait to start working together to achieve our goal.

You are active in various industries. What is your favourite industry, and why?

I would say that it’s the hydrogen industry. This is an industry that is new to many people and that is accom­pa­nied by a number of chal­lenges that we need to work on. We see a major oppor­tu­nity to reduce CO2 emis­sions and leave behind a better world for later gen­er­a­tions. So if we can bring our entire safety know-how into this market and are also eco­nom­i­cally suc­cessful, I cannot imagine a better industry to work for!

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