3 Minutes with …
… Thomas Nitsche

Thomas Nitsche is Senior Man­ager Sales Excel­lence at Pilz.

What is your role at Pilz?

I’m part of the Global Sales and Mar­keting Team and strongly believe we should learn from one another. One of my tasks is to sup­port the team that looks after the world­wide Pilz Partner Pro­gramme. What does that mean specif­i­cally? In addi­tion to our high-quality prod­ucts and ser­vices it is our knowl­edge that sets us apart, our cus­tomers ben­e­fit­ting from our com­pe­tent advice. We offer them tailor-made, com­pliant safety solu­tions. That’s a key dis­tin­guishing fea­ture of Pilz – we are the safety experts. That’s why we train our part­ners world­wide. At our Pilz Academy we work together almost on three levels: on our­selves, with our part­ners and with our cus­tomers.

How would you describe the Pilz mindset?

The Pilz brand is a promise: in every­thing we do, we want to make the world a safer place with our prod­ucts, ser­vices and exper­tise – which includes Safety and Secu­rity. We are guided by our values. We want to be reli­able, com­mitted and cre­ative part­ners for our cus­tomers, pro­viding com­pe­tent sup­port on all mat­ters of safety. In order to keep this promise, we our­selves must con­tinue growing. And this is what we do, with world­wide training for our Pilz employees, who become experts as a result. And we do this also for our world­wide part­ners, who sup­port us locally and help us to be close to the cus­tomer. (As a result we can pro­vide even better advice to our cus­tomers.)

Pilz and its partners worldwide

Qual­i­fied, autho­rised and cer­ti­fied: we work with over 150 part­ners world­wide. With industry com­pe­tence and a con­sulting ser­vice à la Pilz, they sup­port our cus­tomers as they carry out safety and automa­tion projects.

As inde­pen­dent com­pa­nies cer­ti­fied by Pilz, System Part­ners sup­port machine man­u­fac­turers and oper­a­tors in every industry across the world. The com­plete solu­tion for your plant and machinery is always firmly in sight.

Autho­rised Dis­trib­u­tors are absolute experts in our product and system port­folio. Our dis­trib­u­tors are expe­ri­enced online whole­salers, tech­nical dis­trib­u­tors or agents. They advise on the optimum use of our prod­ucts and always keep an exten­sive range of Pilz com­po­nents in stock.

What is the added value for customers?

The best added value we can offer our cus­tomers is our expe­ri­ence and exper­tise. We know the country-spe­cific safety require­ments, and always keep an eye on laws and stan­dards. We know what our cus­tomers need to do to make their plants safe and secure, based on these require­ments. The latter will become even more impor­tant with the new Machinery Reg­u­la­tion from 2027, because secu­rity mea­sures will then become manda­tory. In brief: we see our­selves as ambas­sadors for Safety and Secu­rity.

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