State-of-the-art Security

Secu­rity has become an indis­pens­able part of automa­tion, but with new require­ments and nor­ma­tive spec­i­fi­ca­tions, man­u­fac­turers, inte­gra­tors and oper­a­tors are faced with the ques­tion of how their staff can become qual­i­fied for the new chal­lenges. In response, Pilz has expanded its range of training courses for the pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment of spe­cial­ists to become Secu­rity experts.

How do I pro­tect my machinery and imple­ment Secu­rity in prac­tice in accor­dance with the nor­ma­tive require­ments? Knowl­edge of the stan­dard IEC 62443 “Indus­trial com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works – Net­work and system secu­rity” is cur­rently the best guid­ance for plant oper­a­tors and device man­u­fac­turers when answering this ques­tion and effec­tively imple­menting secu­rity mea­sures. This stan­dard is thus the focus of the pro­fes­sional course “CESA – Cer­ti­fied Expert for Secu­rity in Automa­tion”, which has been cer­ti­fied by TÜV NORD – from risk analysis to safe oper­a­tion of machinery.

Security from A to Z

The par­tic­i­pants learn the spe­cific Secu­rity require­ments of oper­a­tional tech­nology (OT) and their dif­fer­ences from gen­eral infor­ma­tion tech­nology (IT). Another key area is the expla­na­tion of threat sce­narios and poten­tial defence strate­gies. The training par­tic­i­pants acquire in-depth exper­tise on basic topics such as access con­trol, increase of net­work secu­rity using tech­nical means and organ­i­sa­tional mea­sures to avoid secu­rity risks.

The legal prin­ci­ples and nor­ma­tive require­ments are also always in focus here. The expe­ri­enced trainers impart the long-standing Safety and Secu­rity know-how from Pilz that is based on prac­tical expe­ri­ence and par­tic­i­pa­tion in inter­na­tional stan­dards com­mit­tees. After two days of training, the par­tic­i­pants have gained com­pre­hen­sive knowl­edge that allows them to com­pe­tently handle the topic of Secu­rity in indus­trial automa­tion sys­tems.

Developing specialists

Hartmut Paulus, Senior Man­ager in Cus­tomer Sup­port Inter­na­tional at Pilz, views qual­i­fi­ca­tion as an impor­tant step for the devel­op­ment of spe­cial­ists: “Our new CESA qual­i­fi­ca­tion offers a detailed overview of the topic of Secu­rity in automa­tion. The training is an impor­tant com­po­nent in get­ting one’s own spe­cial­ists ready for ­Secu­rity in automa­tion – from nor­ma­tive require­ments and the basics of risk assess­ment to the tech­nical and organ­i­sa­tional secu­rity mea­sures in the indus­trial envi­ron­ment.”

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