Close at hand since 1948

The German Sales and Ser­vice Com­pany is also cel­e­brating its 75th anniver­sary. What sets the most expe­ri­enced of the Pilz sub­sidiaries apart?

Safety is a top pri­ority in Germany’s pro­duc­tion halls – whether it’s col­lab­o­ra­tion between human and machine or the increas­ingly autonomous action of mobile robots in intral­o­gis­tics. Numerous stan­dards and direc­tives must be applied, and it’s impor­tant not to lose sight of the changes – including on machinery imported from abroad. In order to “play it safe”, man­u­fac­turers and oper­a­tors trust in the exper­tise of the 162 employees in the German Sales and Ser­vice Com­pany, with its eight sites spread throughout Ger­many. The projects are espe­cially wide-ranging, as cus­tomers come from almost every sector, from small spe­cial-pur­pose machine builders to large OEMs.

“We work with our cus­tomers to find solu­tions for their require­ments. That’s what sets us apart, and is ulti­mately bound up with the com­pe­tence of our staff.”

Matthias Brinkmann, Gen­eral Man­ager, German Sales and Ser­vice Com­pany

Working together towards a safe Pilz solution

That’s why indi­vid­u­ality takes centre stage: for the experts from the Sales and Ser­vice Com­pany, tech­nical know-how and sales go hand in hand, to ensure the best solu­tion is found for the cus­tomer, even with the toughest of chal­lenges. The exact solu­tion looks dif­ferent from case to case: from a ser­vice to a pure Pilz product solu­tion, to a com­bi­na­tion of the two. If there is still no appro­priate Pilz solu­tion, the cus­tomers’ require­ments are fed directly into new devel­op­ments. Col­leagues in external sales, con­sulting and engi­neering see them­selves as advisers on all sub­jects of machinery safety. In the course of the coop­er­a­tive part­ner­ship, the focus is on the cus­tomer project and the ben­e­fits of the appli­ca­tion.

The trends: Industrial Security and digitisation

Even on inter­na­tional projects, employees are “close at hand”: a trip to Asia is already on the agenda, to check that machinery is com­pliant for the German market. Digi­ti­sa­tion means that sub­sidiaries face new issues. Indus­trial Secu­rity on machinery has been increasing in impor­tance for some years, and feeds into the holis­ti­cally con­ceived safety con­cepts. Digi­ti­sa­tion also changes how we work with cus­tomers: agree­ments can be reached more quickly and easily. Even pop­ular events such as the nation­wide German “Automa­tion on tour” series, which brings cur­rent automa­tion issues right to the del­e­gates’ doorstep, are being sup­ple­mented with dig­ital for­mats such as Web Com­pact. But ulti­mately, nothing replaces close, face-to-face con­tact. In the future it will con­tinue to be the focus, and part of the suc­cess for­mula.

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