Three minutes with …
… Sven Jungmann

Sales Engi­neer at Pilz

How did Pilz end up offering a TÜV Süd certified solution specifically for the cardboard feed?

There is a truly classic problem behind this, because card­board can be used as safe­guards in the pack­aging industry and our ­cus­tomers must ensure that the safety func­tion pro­tects the plant oper­ator. For this ­reason, there was a high demand for a solu­tion from Pilz that includes a TÜV Süd cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.

What does this package include?

Our cus­tomers receive a cer­ti­fied com­pre­hen­sive care­free package from Pilz: it includes the appro­priate sen­sors, the safety con­troller and com­pre­hen­sive doc­u­men­ta­tion that pro­vides sup­port during the com­mis­sioning and accep­tance. If the cus­tomer is already using the con­fig­urable small con­trollers PNOZ­multi 2, he does not need an addi­tional analysis unit. In the PNOZ­multi Con­fig­u­rator, the cus­tomer sup­ple­ments its con­fig­u­ra­tion to include the safety gate func­tion block for mon­i­toring the card­board feed. If the solu­tions is imple­mented with a dif­ferent con­troller and without soft­ware, the mod­ular safety ­relay myPNOZ is used as an analysis unit.

And what are the benefits of this ­solution?

The cer­ti­fied overall package offers the ­cus­tomer flex­i­bility: The sen­sors can be posi­tioned not only lat­er­ally, but also above the appli­ca­tion, for example. This is impor­tant if the process should be designed to be ­par­tic­u­larly ergonomic and pro­duc­tive. The doc­u­men­ta­tion also includes con­nec­tion ­exam­ples, a safety descrip­tion and assembly notes for simple instal­la­tion. This is an impor­tant aid for our cus­tomers in order to inte­grate the safety func­tions into their plant and machinery.

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