How do I find the right safety locking device?

There is a wide range of mov­able guards on plant and machinery – from small covers to large, acces­sible gates. But how can you reli­ably pro­tect human and machine? In three simple steps, we’ll show you how to find the right safety locking device for each appli­ca­tion.

Step 1: Accessible or non-accessible?

In step 1, a look at the respec­tive instal­la­tion sit­u­a­tion of the safe­guard on the plant or machine pro­vides an ini­tial, impor­tant indi­ca­tion of the right safety locking device. The deciding factor here is whether or not the safe­guard is acces­sible. That’s because acces­sible safe­guards require an escape release, for example.

Groundbreaking: EN ISO 14119

The stan­dard EN ISO 14119 “Safety of machinery – Inter­locking devices asso­ci­ated with guards – Prin­ci­ples for design and selec­tion” reg­u­lates the safe­guarding of mov­able guards, whether that be swing gates or sliding gates, covers, flaps or rolling doors. It also refers to the sub­ject of manip­u­la­tion, and describes mea­sures designed to pre­vent the defeat of safe­guards and their inter­locking devices.

Step 2: Process or personnel protection?

Step 2 is to assess whether the respec­tive plant or machine still presents a hazard, even after the stop com­mand. This relates to machines that still overrun; robot appli­ca­tions for example. In this case, the guard may not be unlocked until the machine is in a safe state and has com­pletely stopped. It must not be pos­sible to open the safety gate until the machine no longer poses a danger. Process guarding or safe guard locking may be required for per­sonnel pro­tec­tion; that depends on the stop­ping time. If the time it takes to reach the danger zone is greater than the stop­ping time, then process guarding is suf­fi­cient. In this case, the process itself should be pro­tected as a pri­ority, and unwanted dis­rup­tions to pro­duc­tion should be excluded. How­ever, if the danger zone can be reached before the stop­ping time is ended, then per­sonnel pro­tec­tion in accor­dance with EN ISO 13849–1 is required – accord­ingly, a safety locking device that guar­an­tees this must be selected. Because in this case, the safety of the oper­ator must be guar­an­teed.

Step 3: Which Performance Level is required?

Ulti­mately, selec­tion of the right safe­guard is made on the basis of the Per­for­mance Level (PL). This is deter­mined using a risk analysis in accor­dance with EN ISO 13849–1. The key fac­tors for this cal­cu­la­tion are the severity of the poten­tial injuries, fre­quency of expo­sure to the risk and ability to avoid the risks. PL e indi­cates the highest risk.

How do I find the right safety locking device? Find out!

With the deci­sion pathway, step by step, users find the right safety solu­tion for guard locking on safety gates.

Wanted: A movable safety guard

(doors, covers, flaps, swing gates and sliding gates)

Acces­sible or non-acces­sible?

Option 1

Non-acces­sible safe­guard
(covers, flaps)

Option 2

Acces­sible safe­guard

Show 1

Process or per­sonnel pro­tec­tion?

Option 11

Process guarding
(inter­ven­tion times > down­times)

Option 12

Per­sonnel protection/
safe guard locking
(inter­ven­tion times < down­times)

Show 2

Process or per­sonnel pro­tec­tion?

Option 21

Process guarding
(inter­ven­tion times > down­times)

Option 22

Per­sonnel protection/
safe guard locking
(inter­ven­tion times < down­times)

Show 11

Which Per­for­mance Level is required?

Performance Level
(gate monitoring)

Option 111


Option 112


Option 113


Show 12

Which Per­for­mance Level is required?

Performance Level
(guard locking monitoring)

Option 121


Option 122


Option 123


Show 21

Which Per­for­mance Level is required?

Performance Level
(gate monitoring)

Option 211


Option 212


Option 213


Show 22

Which Per­for­mance Level is required?

Performance Level
(guard locking monitoring)

Option 221


Option 222


Option 223


Show 111
The right products for your application:

PSEN me1 / PSEN me5

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSEN me1 / PSEN me5 on the Pilz web­site

Show 112
The right products for your application:

PSENslock 2

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENslock 2 on the Pilz web­site

Show 113
The right products for your application:

PSENslock 2

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENslock 2 on the Pilz web­site

Show 121
The right products for your application:

PSEN me1 / PSEN me5
PSENslock 2 (Arbeltsstromprinzip)

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSEN me1 / PSEN me5 on the Pilz web­site

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENslock 2 on the Pilz web­site

Show 123
The right products for your application:


Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSEN­m­lock on the Pilz web­site

Show 211
The right products for your application:

PSENme1 / PSENme5

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENme1 / PSENme5 on the Pilz web­site

Show 212
The right products for your application:

PSENslock 2

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENslock 2 on the Pilz web­site

Show 213
The right products for your application:

PSENslock 2

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENslock 2 on the Pilz web­site

Show 221
The right products for your application:

PSENme1 / PSENme5
PSENslock 2 (Arbeitsstromprinzip)

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENme1 / PSENme5 on the Pilz web­site

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENslock 2 on the Pilz web­site

Show 222
The right products for your application:

PSENme1 / PSEN me5 + PSENbolt

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about PSENme1 / PSEN me5 + PSEN­bolt on the Pilz web­site

Which safety locking device in this case?

An example: on a pack­aging machine there is a small, built-in flap, through which the new pack­aging mate­rial is fed. The inter­ven­tion time is less than the machine’s stop­ping time. In accor­dance with EN ISO 13849–1, the machine requires Per­for­mance Level d. In this case, the new PSEN­m­lock mini would be ide­ally suit­able for this instal­la­tion sit­u­a­tion. As its name sug­gests, it has a com­pact design and is ideal for use in space-crit­ical instal­la­tion sit­u­a­tions. With its high holding force of 1 950 N (F1max: 3 900 N), it also guar­an­tees safe guard locking for this appli­ca­tion.

Another example: on a machine, sausages are cut into appro­priate slices first, then por­tioned and finally packed in air-tight pack­aging. If there are any mal­func­tions, the oper­a­tors may reach into the machine area. How­ever, the inter­ven­tion time is greater than the stop­ping time. The danger from the machine cor­re­sponds to Per­for­mance Level e. The new safety locking device PSENslock 2 is suit­able for this sen­si­tive area, for example, as it has a hygienic design, is avail­able as a stain­less steel ver­sion and meets pro­tec­tion type IP67 / IP6K9K. PSENslock 2 guar­an­tees reli­able safe­guarding of the safety gate, pre­vents unwanted dis­rup­tions to pro­duc­tion and thus ensures high pro­duc­tivity.

Good to know

The safety locking devices are based on var­ious guard locking prin­ci­ples, which vary with regard to energy con­sump­tion.

What is the
de-ener­gised mode?

What is the
nor­mally de-ener­gised mode?

Guard locking is via a magnet. This is acti­vated to lock the guard locking device, and then deac­ti­vated to release the guard locking device. In the event of a fault, such as a power failure for example, the guard locking device is released and the user has access to the danger zone.

Prod­ucts that are based on the nor­mally de-ener­gised mode:

What is the
nor­mally ener­gised mode?

What is the
nor­mally ener­gised mode?

Guard locking is via spring force. This is acti­vated when closing the safe­guard, and deac­ti­vated via mag­netic force when opening it. In the event of a power failure, the safe­guard remains locked.

Prod­ucts that are based on the nor­mally ener­gised mode:
und PSENme5

What do we
mean by
the bistable prin­ciple?

What do we mean by the bistable

With the bistable prin­ciple, the safety locking device main­tains its cur­rent posi­tion in the event of a power failure. Power must be applied in order to bring the guard locking device to another state. The bistable prin­ciple also reduces energy con­sump­tion, as the guard locking device only needs to have power applied when­ever the gate is locked or released.

Prod­ucts that are based on the bistable prin­ciple:
PSEN­m­lock mini
(power on only to release),
PSEN­m­lock and PSEN­m­gate (power on to lock and release the guard locking device)

The safe­guarding options are as wide-ranging as the safe­guards them­selves: “No machine is the same as the other; no hazard is the same as the one before”, explains Erich Wagner from Product Man­age­ment at Pilz. “We con­tin­u­ously develop our prod­ucts so that we can offer our cus­tomers the right solu­tion for their appli­ca­tion. As a result, we offer a com­pre­hen­sive port­folio of safety locking devices. As a partner, we also sup­port our cus­tomers when selecting the right con­trol unit, access con­trol and small con­troller, in order to con­figure the com­plete, optimum solu­tion.” On mod­ular sys­tems, safety locking devices can be com­bined per­fectly with the right analysis units, diag­nostic sys­tems, and con­trol units with access con­trol. So you can find the ideal, indi­vidual solu­tion for each appli­ca­tion. Experts from Pilz pro­vide advice every step of the way, in order to find the right solu­tion and imple­ment it for users accord­ingly.

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1 Comment

Awe­some to see how the flow­chart gives a clear out­come and expla­na­tion. You can fill in and see what a client needs. the dif­fer­ence between process pro­tec­tion and person pro­tec­tion

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